The Dancers Among Us book will span 240 pages, and will feature over 150 different dancers from 35 cities and towns. That's a lot of memorable experiences. In the back of the book there is a section titled, "About the Photographs," where I tell some of my favorite stories and highlight some of my very favorite Dancers Among Us images. Leading up to the book's release on October 21, I will share some of my most memorable experiences with you!
The book is broken into seven chapters, and this photograph is in the final chapter, "Living". It's one of the very last images in the book, yet it was the first one I shot. It's titled, "All Hail". This is the excerpt from the book-
This image of Michael Trusnovec was taken on my very first day of shooting Dancers Among Us (before I even had a title). I was walking around Manhattan with a few of my original dancers from the Paul Taylor Dance Company, trying to figure out what I was doing (I was so green that I didn’t even know the difference between modern dance and ballet). I had originally wanted the dancers to wear all black street clothes- an idea I quickly abandoned after a few days. Michael and I had been all over the west village without firing a shot until this idea came to me. Michael conceived of the pose within seconds, adding the lovely detail of putting his hand in his pocket- I definitely learned from the best! We took only seven photos while the cabs were stuck at the stoplight. I missed the shot badly six times, but fortunately I released the shutter at the right moment for this image. When I reviewed the photograph, I got chills because I had never seen anything like it.
If you're as excited as I am to get this Dancers Among Us book in you hands, you can pre-order at
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Role Reversal for Dancers Among Us
Dancers Among Us will be released nationally on October 21, and this image by Samantha Siegel is the final photograph in the book. Samantha is my social media coordinator working with Design Brooklyn as well as a dancer and freelance photographer. She felt strongly that I should be featured dancing in the book, and she offered to take the photo. Given all the crazy things I asked dancers to do over the years, it was only fitting that when it came my turn to jump, the heavens opened up. I’m no dancer, so I channeled my college baseball days and pretended I was turning a double play at second base. I jumped twenty-one times in five minutes through the pouring rain, and that was more than enough to gain a deeper understanding of exactly how difficult the poses in this book are. The dancers make it look so effortless, and yet it is so, so difficult.
October 21 too long for you to wait? Pre-order your Dancers Among Us book today at!
October 21 too long for you to wait? Pre-order your Dancers Among Us book today at!