Last night the five-member filmmaking comedy group Broken Lizard (Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan, Steve Lemme, Paul Soter and Erik Stolhanske) completed a 50 city improv comedy tour with a nearly sold-out performance at the Nokia Theatre in Times Square. The company invited me to photograph the event. Broken Lizard has released five movies- Puddle Cruiser, Super Troopers, Club Dread, Beerfest and their newest, Slammin' Salmon, which premiers next week. They showed a clip from Slammin' Salmon and it looked hysterical- definitely worth a trip to the theatre.
I was especially interested in Slammin' Salmon because it's a behind-the-scenes movie about waiters. Years ago, Steve Lemme and I waited tables together at City Crab on Park Avenue. Now he's got a movie inspired by those experiences, and I'm photographing his Times Square concert. Life moves forward, and is this case very positively. Since I haven't seen the movie, I'm not sure how much of everyone's hi-jinx made the final cut. Hopefully the parts where I'm naked with a stripper on my lap and Steve's drunk and pissing in the coat check room landed on the editing room floor.