Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I've Been Keeping Secrets... Lots of Them

A relationship is built on trust, so I have to be honest and admit that I've been keeping secrets from you. As I've traveled around the country, I've become increasingly deceptive- what started as a small secret in Chicago grew into full-fledged deception by Atlanta. I feel awful about it, but I can't stop. This weekend I will be in New Orleans and Houston, and I just know the betrayal will continue.

So it's time to stop pretending and just admit my duplicity. As I publicly celebrate my travels around the country for Dancers Among Us, privately I've been- God, I hate to admit this- holding back most of the photos.

Wow, it feels great to admit the truth. What a relief!

Really, it's not my fault. I want to commit to you, and I'm dying to share everything with you, but I just can't. My publishers at Workman won't let me! They want to make sure there's a significant number of new images featured in the book. I've begged and pleaded and thrown tantrums my two-year-old daughter would envy, but to no avail. They stand firm!

On a certain level, you must have known. Did you really think I only took two photos in Miami? One in Seattle? None in Denver, Aspen and DC?

On the contrary, the past few months have been the most productive to date. I've had countless adventures- I trespassed at a slaughterhouse in Greeley, riled-up a Catholic school class in Edmonds, crashed a marijuana facility in Denver, got stranded on a mountain in Aspen, experimented with perchloric acid in a world-renowned laboratory in Palisades, shot in a rainstorm on the beach in Sarasota and a snowstorm on the streets of Seattle, and on and on... I've continued shooting in NYC as well, yet I haven't even mentioned it. I've sworn all the dancers to secrecy, and very few people have seen the new photos.

Over fifty of my favorite photos are languishing on my hard drive, waiting to be loved. Be patient, I tell them. Stay strong. Your time will come.

Or maybe I'm talking to myself.

(sharing with the dancers, but not the world)