Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dancers Among Us to be Released in Bookstores Ahead of Schedule

In a recent blog, "I've Been Keeping Secrets... Lots of Them", I revealed that I've held back many Dancers Among Us images for the book's publication. Well, it appears that these secret new images have excited the folks at Workman Publishing so much that they've moved up the publication date. Originally scheduled to be released in the spring of 2013, Dancers Among Us will now hit bookstores in the fall of 2012, just in time for the holidays! Given that it is such a coveted slot, it's highly unusual for a title to be added to the fall list at this late date. I'm honored! And very excited! And just a bit overwhelmed...

My deadline has been pushed up four months! So it's seriously crunch time. I have to finish shooting all the photographs, and write lots of text, in just eight weeks!! So this is my final call to all dancers who want to participate-

Dancers- if you want to be featured in this year's best-selling, record-shattering, award-winning holiday book, contact me NOW at! If you live in or near Los Angeles and you want to participate, I will be there next week. Otherwise, I will primarily be in New York City. I don't know how many other cities I will have the opportunity to visit.

I'm very excited to offer Dancers Among Us in print for the holidays this year. Please keep an eye out on my website,, for regular updates.

Thank you for all your encouragement and support. I'll see you soon at a book signing near you!