A Dancers Among Us Fantasy
Jason and Steve were too cute to be alone,
Too sexy to stay at home.
"We can't just watch another episode of Girls," they moaned.
"That show gets us all riled up!" they groaned.
"Let's go find some girls of our own!"
Christina, Abby and Sarah were too cute to be alone,
Too sexy to stay at home.
"We can't just watch another episode of Hung," they moaned.
"That show gets us all riled up!" they groaned.
"Let's go find some boys of our own!"
Like dogs sniffing for a scent,
The boys would not relent.
They hit twenty bars that night,
Before they saw a most magnificent sight:
Three sirens waiting with delight.
Liquid courage is the name
For what you do when you got no game.
And with three girls and just two boys,
Even the coolest guys would lose their poise.
The girls were willing to wait around
For the boys to buy another round.
It was getting late and nobody looked better,
The only other dude at the bar was wearing a fraternity sweater.
The boys said little, and that was smart.
They didn't have the skill to melt a woman's heart.
Their bodies were great and their bearded faces pretty,
So who cares if their stories weren't very witty.
At least they would pay for a cab ride through the city!
Dancers Abby Silva Gavezzoli, Christina Ilisije, Sarah Braverman, Steven Vaughn and Jason Macdonald of Parsons Dance
Dancers Abby Silva Gavezzoli, Christina Ilisije, Sarah Braverman, Steven Vaughn and Jason Macdonald of Parsons Dance
Lighting by Broncolor